The Fifth HOPE
Welcome to the main page for The Fifth HOPE, sponsored by 2600.
Our fifth conference in New York City
took place July 9-11, 2004, at the Hotel Pennsylvania
in Manhattan.
The Fifth HOPE is now history. We want to thank everyone who attended and
especially those who volunteered to help us run the many things that go
into pulling off a successful conference. We also want to thank the
HOtel PEnnsylvania for being a gracious host as always. We look forward
to doing this again in a couple of years.
There are many stories and pictures that we'd like to share with you so
that the events of The Fifth HOPE aren't forgotten. This page will be
added to and expanded as more material is received. If you were at the
conference and would like to add your experiences, pictures, etc. just
send an email to 5h-post@2600.com.
If you have a lot of pictures up on a website, you can send us that URL
and indicate whether you'd prefer us to link or keep a local copy on our
site. If you know of media coverage of The Fifth HOPE in any format, please
let us know about it.
Audio of all talks is now available,
you can purchase Video CDs from
our store.
Again, thanks to all of you who made this historic event possible!
Preliminary planning for HOPE Number Six, to be held July 21-23, 2006,
at the Hotel Pennsylvania, is underway — watch for more details!
Articles about The Fifth HOPE
Pictures from The Fifth HOPE
We're still adding pictures people have sent in, so if you don't see yours here yet, please check back!
Send your links to 5h-post@2600.com, and if you send files please keep them under 10 MB.
Here's a list of the music played between speakers
We also have the propaganda posters and other con artwork available.